Sunday, August 2, 2009

Learn Effective Ways to Communicate Why You're Angry

Although there are many anger management styles, the best one is assertive problem solving. People with this style of anger management pay attention to their anger signals and respond in an assertive manner. They deal directly with the person related to the issue at hand, and they talk to them in a direct, honest, and polite way. Choose to adopt this style of anger management; you can begin by communicating assertively with others when you get angry.

An effective way in which to tell others what you need or want is to speak in "I" statements, stating clearly the behavior that you're referring to, how it makes you feel, and what you would like to happen. Here's the basic formula:

"When you (specific behavior)".
"I feel (specific feeling)."
"I want (specific goal)."
For example: "When you're out late and you don't call to say where you are, I feel that you don't care that I'm at home worrying about you. I want for you to call me when you're going to be late."

For more information on how to control anger, visit my Squidoo lens: "Controlling Anger: Tips, Techniques, and Resources"


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