Sometimes when we sit down to write a blog post we're practically inundiated with an avalanche of ideas. Other times we stare at the blank screen for what seems like hours and can't think of a single blogging idea.
For those times when your blogging muse has apparently decided to take a vacation, here are ten blogging ideas to tie you over until she returns:
1. Interview the key players in your niche.
2. Visit forums that are dedicated to your blog's topic. What are people asking about in the forum? Write blog posts answering the most common questions.
3. Look through the comments people have left on your blog and answer frequently asked questions in a blog post.
4. Write a review of a great book in your niche that would be helpful to your readers.
5. Create a survey asking your readers what they would like to know more about.
6. Go to article directores such as and look through the articles on topics that are pertinent to your blog to help you find ideas.
7. Subscribe to other blogs in your niche. Write a rebuttal to a blog post you don't agree with.
8. Create a top twenty list:
- Top twenty books in your niche.
- Top twenty blogs in your niche.
- Top twenty tips in your niche.
9. Create a comprehensive list of resources for your niche.
10. Create a chart that breaks down a complicated issue in your niche.
For even more ideas for blog posts, visit my post
"The Massive List of Ideas for Blog Posts".